
Spanish school; c. 1600.

Auction Lot 35315898
Spanish school; c. 1600.
"Christ crucified".
Measurements: 48 x 34 cm (Christ); 84 x 40 x 14 cm.

Estimated Value : 10,000 - 12,000 €
End of Auction: 25 Sep 2024 18:14
Remaining time: 17 days 15:36:12
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Next bid: 7000



Spanish school; c. 1600.
"Christ crucified".
Measurements: 48 x 34 cm (Christ); 84 x 40 x 14 cm.
Boxwood carving showing Christ crucified. The representation is simple, although detailed, leaving in view the anatomy of the body of Jesus dressed with the cloth of purity. In spite of the pathos that infuses the gesture of the face in the work a body of serene attitude is shown with certain weight and movement due to the position of the superimposed feet, contrasting with the Romanesque Christs of four nails, whose position presented great statism. The way in which the purity cloth is arranged, diagonally, as well as the waters in the cloth of the same, increase that sensation of mobility, in addition to the inclination of the head towards the side, The moment of the crucifixion has been one of the most worked iconographic themes throughout history with the purpose of indoctrinating the faithful through the suffering that Christ lived in Golgotha. In general, it was left in the hands of image makers, who bequeathed abundant examples, this piece being one of them.
These types of pieces were not usually made for churches, but for a more private cult. Thus, they were usually commissioned for private chapels, convents or monasteries, where they would be placed closer to the faithful. For this reason, the artist was required to be more detailed, appreciating in this case the detail of the hair, the Crown of Thorns made of silver, the anatomy, the mouth or the eyes of the crucified. This completes a work that is capable of transmitting the redemptive message of Christ.


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