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Mimmo Rotella and Constantin Byzantios

Auction Lot 35359132
MIMMO ROTELLA (Italy, 1918 - 2006) AND CONSTANTIN BYZANTIOS (Greece, 1924 - 2007).
Untitled, from the "Olympic Suite", 1992.
Pair of lithographs on 270 gr. velin d'Arches paper, copies 171/250.
Measurements: 90 x 63 cm.

Last Bid : 140
Auction complete


MIMMO ROTELLA (Italy, 1918 - 2006) AND CONSTANTIN BYZANTIOS (Greece, 1924 - 2007).
Untitled, from the "Olympic Suite", 1992.
Pair of lithographs on 270 gr. velin d'Arches paper, copies 171/250.
Measurements: 90 x 63 cm.
Multidisciplinary artist, Mimmo Rotella worked with techniques as diverse as painting, ceramics, tapestry, drawing, graphics and photography. He studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Rome, and after the end of the war, in 1945, he went to Rome, where he came into contact with the avant-garde. Later he moved to Paris and the United States, and on his return to Rome he turned his attention to the expressive possibilities of the advertising poster, creating a new technique called décollage. He is currently represented in museums such as the Guggenheim in New York and the Centre Georges Pompidou in Paris, among many others.
Carmelo Arden Quinn, an outstanding painter and sculptor, was the founder, together with the Argentine-Hungarian artist Gyula Kosice, of "Madí Art". He would meet Joaquín Torres García in 1935, who would lead him towards abstraction and geometrization. Armand Pierre's father, better known as Arman, was an antique dealer and amateur painter, as well as a musician, playing the cello. He settled in Nice, where Arman was born and studied at the city's School of Decorative Arts. There he met the painter Yves Klein, representative of abstraction and performance. He would later be trained at the Louvre School, where he would remain in contact with artistic modernity. His great contribution to painting and graphic work is what is defined as "Accumulations", groupings of objects of the same type dislocated from their natural location and presented as a group that constitute a critique of consumer society, as in this lithograph of the Olympic Suite.


This lot can be seen at the Setdart Barcelona Gallery located at C/Aragón, 346.


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