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Camilo José Cela.

Auction Lot 35326035
CAMILO JOSÉ CELA (Iria Flavia, A Coruña, 1916 - Madrid, 2002).
"The family of Pascual Duarte", 1964.
With forty-one woods chosen by Jaume Pla. Copy 33/210.
Printer: Editorial Papeles de Son Armadans.
Prince Don Juan Manuel Collection of Works of C. J.C.-IV- Palma de Mallorca.
Measurements: 35,5 x 25,5 cm.

Last Bid : 200
Auction complete


CAMILO JOSÉ CELA (Iria Flavia, A Coruña, 1916 - Madrid, 2002).
"The family of Pascual Duarte", 1964.
With forty-one woods chosen by Jaume Pla. Copy 33/210.
Printer: Editorial Papeles de Son Armadans.
Prince Don Juan Manuel Collection of Works of C. J.C.-IV- Palma de Mallorca.
Measurements: 35,5 x 25,5 cm.

Camilo José Cela was a writer, novelist, journalist and member of the Royal Spanish Academy. He was born in the parish of Iria Flavia, in the province of La Coruña. In 1925 his family moved to Madrid and, years later, in 1934, he entered the Faculty of Medicine at the Complutense University. However, the Contemporary Literature classes taught by the poet Pedro Salinas, which he attended as a listener, provoked in him a change of direction towards his literary vocation. His first work was a book of poems entitled "Pisando la dudosa luz del día", published in the middle of the Civil War. In 1940 he resumed his literary work and two years later published his first novel, "La familia de Pascual Duarte". Since then, he wrote more than a dozen novels, as well as numerous short stories, fables, short novels and articles for newspapers and magazines. Among his novels are "La colmena" (1951), "El molino de viento" (1956), "San Camilo 1936" (1969), "Cristo versus Arizona" (1988) and "Madera de boj" (1999). Cela also cultivated poetry and published, among other titles, "El monasterio y las palabras" (1945), "Cancionero de la Alcarria" (1948), "Tres poemas gallegos" (1957) and "Reloj de arena, reloj de sol, reloj de sangre" (1989). He also wrote three plays: "María Sabina" (1967), "Homenaje a El Bosco I. El carro del heno o el inventor de la guitarra" (1969) and "Homenaje a El Bosco II. The extraction of the stone of madness or the invention of the garrote (1999)". Cela received notable distinctions throughout his career, such as the Prince of Asturias Award for Literature (1987), the Nobel Prize for Literature (1989) and the Miguel de Cervantes Award (1995).


This lot can be seen at the Setdart Madrid Gallery located at C/Velázquez, 7.


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