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Dionís Baixeras

Auction Lot 35268765
DIONÍS BAIXERAS VERDAGUER (Barcelona, 1862 - 1943).
Oil on panel.
Signed in the lower corner.
Measurements: 14 x 21 cm; 20 x 28 cm (frame).

Last Bid : 120
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DIONÍS BAIXERAS VERDAGUER (Barcelona, 1862 - 1943).
Oil on panel.
Signed in the lower corner.
Measurements: 14 x 21 cm; 20 x 28 cm (frame).
Disciple in the School of the Fish Market of Martí Alsina and, especially, of Antonio Caba, at the age of twenty-four years Baixeras travels to Paris, where he is enthusiastic before the realism of thematic peasant of Millet and Bastien-Lepage. On his return to Barcelona he painted large historical compositions, such as those of the auditorium of the university (1888), those of the seminary (1904, destroyed in 1936) and those of the dome of the Sant Jordi hall of the Generalitat (1928). He devoted himself mainly to naturalistic painting, with marine or rural themes, in works that show a certain influence of the school of Olot. He meticulously elaborated his works in the workshop, so his previous drawings have much more freshness and interest. In 1908 he made a collection of drawings, of great documentary value, of places in old Barcelona that were to disappear during the construction of the Via Layetana. His work is preserved in the Metropolitan of New York, the Museum of Art and Industry of Roubaix (France) and the MACBA, among others.


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