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Spanish school, ca. 1790.

Auction Lot 35311230
Spanish school, ca. 1790.
"Portrait of a gentleman.
Oil on canvas.
Presents restorations.
Measurements: 49 x 40 cm.; 60 x 55 x 4 cm.

Last Bid : 225
Auction complete


Spanish school, ca. 1790.
"Portrait of a gentleman.
Oil on canvas.
Presents restorations.
Measurements: 49 x 40 cm.; 60 x 55 x 4 cm.

Portrait of three quarters skillfully resolved in terms of the psychological capture of the male character. It represents a middle-aged gentleman. His dark eyes look with depth and a certain melancholic air from the bottom of a face of light flesh, lightly reddened. Thick eyebrows share the same black as the pearly hair. The felt and striped patterned jacket opens to reveal a frock coat, which in turn covers a white shirt that ends with a starched collar.


This lot can be seen at the Setdart Barcelona Gallery located at C/Aragón, 346.


Bidding by Phone 932 463 241

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