
Circle of Francisco Zurbarán; XVII century.

Auction Lot 35326171
Circle of FRANCISCO DE ZURBARÁN (Fuente de Cantos, Badajoz, 1598 - Madrid, 1664); XVII century.
"Santiago el menor".
Oil on canvas. Relined.
It presents Repainting on the pictorial surface.
Measurements: 109 x 90,5 cm.

Estimated Value : 1,400 - 1,800 €
End of Auction: 01 Oct 2024 16:49
Remaining time: 11 days 22:17:38
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Circle of FRANCISCO DE ZURBARÁN (Fuente de Cantos, Badajoz, 1598 - Madrid, 1664); 17th century.
"Santiago el menor".
Oil on canvas. Relined.
It presents Repainting on the pictorial surface.
Measurements: 109 x 90,5 cm.
Santiago the minor is presented in this canvas in a monumental way, taking up almost the entire composition that is closed by a completely dark finish that gives greater prominence to the figure and a finish that resizes the forms giving a sculptural sense to the figure of the apostle. Facing the viewer, Santiago directs his face to the viewer, staring with a serious but serene face. The author of the image only presents him with a rod on which he leans and a book on which he rests his other hand in allusion to the scriptures, thus avoiding iconographic distractions and basing the scene on the sobriety and religiosity emanating from the protagonist. In addition, such austerity gives way to a greater visual detail in the folds of the clothing and the details of the face that reveal a great technical mastery and an exquisite play of volumes shaped through the use of light and shadow, as can be seen especially in the modeling of the sleeve. The characteristics of the work indicate that it probably belonged to a larger pictorial group in which all the apostles were represented.
Aesthetically the work is close to the popular models of the time such as those created by the painter Francisco Polanco (Jaen, 1610 - Seville, 1651). There is little biographical information about this painter, of whom the only thing that is known is that he had a brother who was also a painter, named Miguel. Signed works are a series of five Apostles of half a body, existing in the National Museum of San Carlos of Mexico City, of poor workmanship and Zurbaran features, and a San Juan Bautista in the cathedral of Seville, of more advanced style for its expressiveness and sense of color, showing the knowledge of the work of the young Murillo, whose influence merges with that of Zurbaran.


It presents Repainting on the pictorial surface.



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