
Spanish school; second third of the XVI century.

Auction Lot 35326248
Spanish school; second third of the sixteenth century.
"Pair of male figures".
Carved and polychrome wood.
They present damages caused by xylophagous and bases of later period.
Measurements: 27 x 7 x 6 cm; 25 x 7 x 6.5 cm.

Estimated Value : 1,000 - 1,200 €
End of Auction: 02 Oct 2024 13:35
Remaining time: 12 days 13:32:43
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Next bid: 600



Spanish school; second third of the sixteenth century.
"Pair of male figures".
Carved and polychrome wood.
They present damages caused by xylophagous and bases of later period.
Measurements: 27 x 7 x 6 cm; 25 x 7 x 6,5 cm.
Pair of male figures made of carved, polychromed and gilded wood. Both pieces are not worked on the back, a feature that indicates that they were conceived to be seen from the front. Probably as part of a larger sculptural ensemble. In the case of the two figures, the lack of attributes makes it impossible to identify them, but it is clear from their characteristics that they are two works of a religious nature.
Spain is, at the beginning of the 16th century, the European nation best prepared to receive the new humanist concepts of life and art due to its spiritual, political and economic conditions, although from the point of view of the plastic forms, its adaptation of those introduced by Italy was slower due to the need to learn the new techniques and to change the taste of the clientele. Sculpture reflects perhaps better than other artistic fields this eagerness to return to the classical Greco-Roman world that exalts in its nudes the individuality of man, creating a new style whose vitality surpasses the mere copy. Soon the anatomy, the movement of the figures, the compositions with a sense of perspective and balance, the naturalistic play of the folds, the classical attitudes of the figures began to be valued; but the strong Gothic tradition maintains the expressiveness as a vehicle of the deep spiritualistic sense that informs our best Renaissance sculptures.


They show damage caused by xylophagous and bases from a later period.



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