Triplet; JULES LELEU, France, 1930s.
Measurements: 83 x 118 x 70 cm (sofa); 83 x 70 x 70 x 70 cm (armchairs).
Jules Leleu (1883 - 1961) born in Boulogne-sur-Mer, France, studied decorative painting, and at the age of 26 succeeded his father in the family painting business. With his brother he started working in the field of Decoration. After World War I, Leleu specialized in furniture making. He opened a gallery in Paris, Maison Leleu, in 1924 and exhibited at the 1925 Exposition Industrielle et Arts Decoratifs, winning a grand prize at the exhibition. Leleu designed the Great Hall of the Ambassadors of the League of Nations in Geneva and the French embassies of several nations, as well as the ocean liners SS Ile de France and SS Normandie.
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